Name Change Request

Thank you for booking with us. If you’ve misspelled a name or have changed your name after you made your booking, there might be a need to change the names that were initially filled in while booking. Please fill out the below form to change the name on your reservation if you're flying with a different name from what is in the booking record and submit . One of our representatives will review and get back to you shortly. 

General Terms and Conditions

In the following situations name change is allowed, provided justifiable document like copy of marriage certificate &/or passport is presented with service charge of USD50.00.

  • Reservation was booked under husband’s family name instead of maiden name, or vice versa.
  • Passenger has more than one given name and the second name needs to be added as at the time of reservation only the first name was entered.
  • It is not allowed to change Mr. X tickets with Mr. Y except in the conditions of above-mentioned cases.
  • Only transposition error of first name, last name & middle name and or up to three letter changes are the kind of error allowed for making the original ticket as a form of payment (FOP) to the newly issued ticket.
  • Only transposition error of first name, last name & middle name and or up to three letter changes are the kind of errors eligible for change under this provision.  
  • To amend customer title for example from Mr. to Mrs./Ms. , from Mrs. to Ms. etc
  • Tickets that are purchased from travel agencies are not entitled for name change.


Enter a valid ticket number that should start with 07121... and should be 13 characters long. Only 0-9 digits are allowed.

Enter a valid email address so that we will be able to send updates about the request.

Passport or marriage certificate copy

Supported file formats are jpg, png, gif, bmp, pdf, doc, or docx. File size should not exceed 3MB



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